6.5 x 55 llc

A Responsive E-Commerce Site Design & UI/UX Case Study


A responsive e-commerce web app that enables customers to easily shop for parts, components, and accessories for the legendary antique Swedish Mauser rifle.

View the 6.5 X 55 Brand Story here.

my role:

UI Design
Responsive Design
User Stories
User Flows
User Testing

User Stories #1

As a new user, I want to access the inventory without having to register, so that I can make sure this store has what I’m looking for before having to create an account.

I want to be able to place multiple items in a shopping card, so that I can purchase more than one item at a time.

As a customer, I want there to be a variety of payment options, so that I can choose the payment method that suits me best.

User Flows

Low-Fidelity Wireframes

I want to be able to place multiple items in a shopping card, so that I can purchase more than one item at a time.

Item Description
Cart: Single Item
Cart: Single Item

Medium-Fidelity Wireframes

I want to be able to place multiple items in a shopping card, so that I can purchase more than one item at a time.

Item Description
Cart: Single Item

User Testing

User #1

Looks beautiful! 
Very easy to go through the process of adding items to my cart.

Might need something to signify the ability to scroll from left to right when viewing images of items at the top.

User #2

A super easy app to use! 
Super awesome logo!

I don’t feel like the circles within the bottom navigation menu drew my attention very well. They need to be more prominent.

User #3

Love the that the name of the cart is your “ammo box.”

Maybe “Saved Parts” should be “Wishlist” or “Favorites.” We want ratings, so perhaps a different icon than a star for “Wishlist. We don’t want a heart. Too feminine for a gun parts store.

6.5 x 55 llc Styleguide

Multi-item Cart Funtionality

I want to be able to place multiple items in a shopping card, so that I can purchase more than one item at a time.

Cart: Single Item
Cart: Multiple Items

Seamless Shopping Experience

Featuring custom wishlist icon modeled after the Swedish crown mark that signifies the authenticity of each rifle and collapsible item description viewports.

Item Description

Multiple Payment Options at Checkout

As a customer, I want there to be a variety of payment options, so that I can choose the payment method that suits me best.

Shipping Screen
Payment Screen
Order Review Screen
Thank You Screen

Final Screens: On-boarding

Final Screens: Dashboard & Shopping

Final Screens: Item Details & Cart

Final Screens: Checkout